Why do we as women let society, and more specifically the entrepreneurial world, dictate when its ‘Our Time’ to succeed at business?

The other night, as I was attending a book reading at a local bookstore, I had the opportunity to speak with a woman that contributed her story to the book we had just read…I was stoked!! She is a professional in the news media world, AND a mom, AND a major contributor to her local community, AND as many ands you could possibly think of. The message she shared was that it is truly possible to do it all; if that is what you feel called to do. So here I was, speaking to this woman that I adore and respect so much, when I noticed a follow fan walking up to us right when I was explaining how crazy my life is and that sometimes I feel like I can’t handle every that I want to accomplish at this time in my life. I have 5 kids all under the age of 9, AND am a sales rep for an MLM company called Zyia Active, AND am currently preparing myself for a new adventure in the entrepreneurial world. At the end of my long introduction, this very well meaning woman, who I know only meant to be comforting, leaned over and with a gentle hand on my arm said, “don’t worry, there is a time and a season for everything.” I don’t know if you have heard of that saying before, but basically it is the polite way of telling someone that they are in WAY too over their heads and that they should just quit. (If I had a dollar for every time someone has said this to me, especially when they see me with my 5 very energetic kids, I would probably be on a beach somewhere writing this and not on my makeshift desk that is actually a folding picnic table at 2 AM in the morning!!!) In the politest voice I could manage at the time I replied, “True, there are different times and seasons people go through in life, but no one gets to dictate what and when those seasons are – except for the individual who actually has to live with the regret of not living their life in the way they were created to live it.”  That poor woman had to suffer the brunt of my frustration when she was only trying to provide an excuse for me to quit until my life got a little easier. Let me repeat what I said, but in a more direct way, no one and I mean NO ONE – not your spouse, not your kids, not your very best friend in the whole world – gets to decide what your seasons look like and when they happen because when it comes down to it, YOU are the only one that has to live with the regret of your life’s choices. So do yourself a favor NOW and stop letting society dictate when it’s your TIME to live your best life.

So next time you walk into a bank to present your business proposal to some random loan officer that has NO IDEA what you are capable of because you so happen to have a child on your hip – DON’T YOU DARE let that loan officer deny you because they don’t believe that a woman is able to be a mom AND a business owner at the same time. Or maybe you are feeling a little under qualified because you have been out of the business rat race for 10 years raising your kids… JUST STOP RIGHT THERE and let me save you from years of regret. You walk into that bank with your head held high and realize that you have 10 years of the best business training anyone can get. You essentially have 10 years’ experience of training the neediest, and more times than not the most ungrateful employees ever all the while loving them unconditionally! You, my friend, are the best boss ever!!

Maybe you are in the reverse situation. You feel like you need to take a step back from your business goals for awhile to care for your children, that is YOUR CHOICE and it is OKAY!  Stop letting others tell you what you are or aren’t capable of… If you won’t listen to me maybe you will list to my girl Rachel Hollis. She has two incredible books that will help you tap into that God given potential to be X and Y and Z on your own timetable. Her first book Girl Go Wash Your Face, will give you the motivation to start living your own life on your own terms. While her second book Girl Stop Apologizing, will help you live that life unapologetically.

I have a link to her Amazon page on my website www.managingongoingmomlife.com, along with other really cool stuff that will help you in your Managing Ongoing Mom Life. Remember, YOU are doing a really good job!!