Life is filled with ups and downs, peaks and valleys. However, feeling good, from the inside out, is integral to a happy, healthy, and successful life. The following seven tips will help you feel good everyday, so you can always be your “best self”!

  • Meditation – Meditation is simply “focused thought” on what your particular intention is. More than 60% of happy people report meditating regularly. Doing so in the morning to set your intention for the day is one of the best ways to ensure a solid start.
  • Incantations – While meditation is generally inward-focused, an incantation is something that can (and often should) be shared externally, to remind you who you are and pump you up for the day. A simple one to try is called an “I am” incantation. For example, “I am strong, I am savvy, I am prosperous!” Select the 3-5 words that you want to reinforce for the day, and repeat them as loud and confidently as you can until they are engrained within your fiber!
  • Read – Statistics show that the average millionaire reads for at least 30 minutes every day. Why? Because it opens them up to new information and knowledge while allowing receptors in the brain to make important connections. Whether it’s the news, a self-help book, or a thriller novel, make reading daily a priority.
  • Environment – The environment you work in will have a large effect on your overall happiness (if you allow it to). Even if you work in the most boring office space, it’s important for you to decorate it in a way that you feel inspired to produce your best work every day. If your company doesn’t allow this, you may want to start looking elsewhere or ideally start something of your own where you can work on your terms. It’s been proven time and time again that this is how humans best operate.
  • Exercise – Physical activity is imperative to feeling your best every day. Studies show that over 80% of people who report being happy exercise at least 30 minutes a day. There really are no time excuses, as this is something you’re just going to have to make time for. It’s well worth it!
  • Nutrition – Having proper nutrition means so many things to so many different people. In a perfect world, people would not need supplements. According to PhD Nutritionist Tony Cay Snyder, “90% of the world is deficient in one or more vitamins, even with our enriched food.” So, it’s imperative to eat natural/organic where possible, and fill in the nutritional gaps with supplements to normalize things.
  • Sleep – No one likes to talk about how important sleep is,, because it’s at the end of the day. However, I’m a believer that I can always tell how “great” someone will be during the day based on their sleep the night before. Not only does the average adult need 6-8 hours of sleep per night, but they need 3-4 hours of REM sleep, where their mind, body, and spirit are able to fully rest and recover.

Need a recommendation on how to feel good every day? Take one of Justin’s self-guided questionnaires and see if you qualify for a complimentary copy of his book, “Intrapreneurship: Changing Business Culture From The Inside Out”.


Justin Nimergood