Written by Cathy Smith

What is the Clubhouse app? Is it right for your business?

Clubhouse is only the hottest new beta app launched in 2020. This app is audio only. Why is this important? Think of Clubhouse as a podcast on steroids. It is a genuine opportunity to share with your audience and have your audience respond back in real time.  It is like being on stage with your blindfolds on.  How is that even possible? Well it is the only platform that used in real time with you “live” that you don’t have to get dressed or worry about putting on makeup or even lipstick. All you have to do is show up and operate in your area of expertise.

You can deliver a message, share information, and conduct hot seats all while showing up as the expert that you are or aren’t. Smile! As with any social platform there are a lot of “experts,” please do your research before you decide to invest in working with them.

Well, on the Clubhouse app. You have a “stage” and an audience. There are two groups of people in the audience. The first group in the audience is what I would like to call the front row or the VIP section. This is the group of people in the audience that are followed by the speakers and also the set of people closest to the “stage.”  Moderators are identified by a green dot and known as the leader or leaders in the room. Speakers consist of and other people from the audience that are on the “stage.”  The second group of people in the room are the other people in the room which may consist of people who have wandered in from the “hallway” or were drawn to the room based on the title or topic. People in the audience may request being on stage by raising their virtual hand to request to ask a question or add to the current conversation.

Clubhouse is set up in the form of rooms each room covers a different topic. The only two downsides at this moment is that you are unable to record the room discussions and you must use Twitter or Instagram in order to direct message or chat with a potential customer outside of the app.

There are also Clubs inside of the app. Clubs are the Clubhouse equivalent of Facebook Groups. You may request a club only after you have served as a Moderator or “led” a room at least three times on the same or similar topic.

Right now! Clubhouse is one of the hottest tickets in town! People are even “selling” invites from $500 to 5K. I would like to caution you to cherish invitations if you are lucky enough to receive an invite to the app. Once you invite someone, your name is forever connected to that person while they are on the app so be careful. I also suggest that you have a conversation with someone before you send them an invite. Why? There are two different reasons. First, there is definitely a feeling of FOMO or Fear of Missing Out surrounding the ability to secure an invite. Despite FOMO, someone people revel in the ability to join Clubhouse and then they are not active.  Their level of activity on the app has an impact on whether or not you “earn” more invites. Additionally, if you send an invite and the person does not have an iPhone or an iPad that invite is lost forever.

If you are interested in joining, please network with your friends and business connections if you are not already on the app. You don’t want to post in a group and ask if anyone has an extra invite. You want to have a personal connection or at least a familiarity with someone when joining the app.  Finally, CAUTION!! Clubhouse can be addictive and you can find yourself staying on the app for hours.